The Dominican Convent places much value on the importance of enabling its students to make informed personal, educational and career decisions. The Careers Guidance department plays a vital role in this regard. It has in place a number of resources aimed at helping students make the right as well as informed choices about subject combinations, university or professional training as well as the profession most suited for them. In addition, students are actively encouraged to attend the many careers events and university open days which are a regular feature of any academic year. Further, experienced guidance teachers give instruction on practical matters such as the construction of CV’s, the preparation of interviews as well as the expected professional conduct in a corporate environment.
A further approach is that of having, during the course of any year, representatives from various international universities address students on what they offer. In addition, a point is made to invite representatives from a variety of professions; this is especially important. It succeeds in making clear the entry requirements as well as personal characteristics these professions call for, dispelling what are often mistaken and vague notions about the professions in question. As a supplement to all of this, information on different occupations, careers as well as institutions of higher learning and training is readily available in the guidance office.
In addition to these academic related matters, all students—from Form Ones to the most senior—have weekly lessons termed Education for Life. These are concerned with the students’ personal, moral and social development. Effort goes towards enabling students to understand their values, interests, skills and abilities as they prepare to meet the demands and expectations of life after school. The lessons cover topics such as time and stress management, conflict resolution and assertiveness. Experts from a cross section of the community are often invited to these classes, providing insights and nuggets of advice.
Students are encouraged to meet careers guidance staff on a one on one basis. This approach has proved to be most invaluable as, in this atmosphere of confidentiality, they often open up and reveal situations that could be hindering a successful school life. Parents are also welcome to contact the careers guidance department with areas of concern they might have.